""The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau. sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'- Dan Rather"

“When an institution serves a higher purpose than its concrete objective then it becomes the brainchild of a visionary. George Sir, the Mentor has been more than an instructor. Quoting his ideas, getting a Bank job is a lesser objective than transforming the perception of one’s vision. If one can get a true sense of that, success will follow undoubtedly, but it will be immensely satisfying too. Thank you Sir for giving a feel of that, a start which could become a grand success if followed diligently.
Love to all my fellow alumni and good luck to all the aspirants.”
– Ciril Chandran K
The elephant in the room is the minimalistic and mostly technical nature of education most of us have access to.You could easily visualize it as coaching centers for exams defined as ‘ high school level’ (though there could be better perspectives and visualizations).
CCC will expose you how compartmentalized your education was.You will realize how detached you were from the process of ‘education’. Then my guru will show you the path of understanding, curiosity and the play of prespectives.You will know what skills mean.You can see knowledge cannot be compartmentalized – Math ,English Reasoning or the things happening around you : understanding becomes the key and all reduces to the single skill.Then you will see less complexity around ; You get clarity. Efficiency and speed comes from this clarity.
With the time spent with my Guru,you become an informed skilled human being eligible to lead a dignified life.Then JOB ???.. it comes by
A Message to Young Aspirants

Sankara Narayanan.V
General Manager
International Operations, UCO Bank
You are indeed on the cusp of an exciting career choice: – Banking as a career offers great
possibilities.When I look back on incidents that shaped my life, my first transformation was when I joined
‘Center for Careers and Competition (CCC)’ post my graduation in the year 1988 with the
aspiration of a career in the bank. Bank job was considered respectable, as it entailed a
handsome salary with many perquisites.The Center for Careers and Competition – CCC, was by then a legendary institution in Quilon.
It was set up by the visionary George sir, a credible, undisputed coach and mentor for young
career aspirants flocking to CCC even from distant places. Coaching in CCC – was then a passport to a lucrative carrier. It had by then a track record of huge success rate.
Within a few days of joining CCC, I was lucky to become an endearing disciple of ‘George sir’.
George sir radiated brilliance and a rare charisma. In his past avatar at the echelons of power in
India’s civil service, George Sir had headed many interview boards.
Association with ‘George Sir’ transformed me literally. He kindled in me a passion: – to read, to
reflect, to introspect, to learn, to observe & relearn. He led me to a path of self-discovery. He
was there to nurture, correct and handhold when required.
At CCC, our skills were put to test through rigorous daily practice of question papers set in a
simulating exam set up. There were daily assignments, debates on contemporary topics,
reflections, insights, peer- learning opportunities and above all the mentorship of George sir
provided us the cutting edge to face any competition.
A few months into CCC- brought positive changes in my personality and elevated my problem
solving abilities, critical thinking, writing and speaking skills.
The result was that I stood first in the Indian Railways Exam conducted by the Southern
Railways and also emerged a first rank holder at the ‘ All India” level in ‘ Staff Selection
Examination’. Both these were at the clerical level. I joined the Indian Railways as a clerk in
1989, when I was about 21- years and eligible for appearing for ‘ Probationary officers Exam ‘
and other Officer level exams of public sector undertakings. On account of the training, I
received from George sir; I cleared all the officer level exams in my first attempt. The first to
qualify was Banking Service Recruitment Boards- Probationary Officers exam. After the
interview at BSRB- Delhi office, I got selected and was posted as a Probationary officer in UCO
Bank in the late 1990. During the intermittent period, I qualified SBI –PO Exam, Officer/
Management Trainee Exam of Bharat Petroleum, Officer/ Management Trainee Exam of ‘Unit
Trust of India’, Managing Trainee SAIL. All these officer level exams were at all India level with
hardly a few vacancies (Except in SBI, where vacancies were higher) and competition was very tough. I succeeded on account of the training I received from George sir and my indomitable passion to succeed.I choose to remain with UCO Bank as I was by then a few months into the training period at the Bank.
In retrospect, I realize that my decision to continue in UCO Bank and not to change jobs was a good decision. Bank gave me opportunities for my personal growth. I have worked across many places in India and abroad in leadership roles. I got the opportunity to head our ‘Treasury operations ‘in Singapore. Later I also had opportunity to head our ‘Integrated Treasury operations branch ‘in Mumbai, handling the highest business of the Bank (about Rs: 90000 Crores).
I also had opportunity to head our ‘Hong Kong Operations’ as the ‘Chief Executive’ of Bank’s Hongkong Center. At present I am heading the ‘International Operations ‘of the Bank as ‘General Manager’ and aspiring for higher responsibilities.
Bank offered me opportunities to learn at prestigious institutes both in ‘India ‘and ‘abroad’. Courtesy the Bank, today I am an alumni of the IIM (Bangalore).I realize that a carrier in bank is not just a livelihood. It will transform the passionate aspirant to a seasoned professional by developing in him competencies in diverse fields. A good banker will never retire. You will find eminent bankers serving on the boards of many large corporates. In short your passion, resolve and enterprise to choose a banking career can possibly lead you to become a ‘National asset’.
I can vouch that my association with George sir was a turning point in my life.
So would it be in your life too!
My Best wishes to all of you.
With Regards
Sankara Narayanan.V

“One day with a Great Teacher is better than a thousand days of diligent study”
After completing my graduation, I was completely clueless about my future. So, we friends decided to
join a communicative English course. We made a lot of inquires and from all corners we got the
suggestion to join CCC for our requirements. I still remember the day we came to meet you to join CCC.
You asked us to self introduce ourselves in English. I literally put my head down in shame that I couldn’t
say a single sentence about myself. At that moment, I was hopeless of getting admission in CCC but the
confidence you filled in our minds really changed our life.
“A Good Teacher knows how to bring out the best in students”
You have nurtured us with your unique teaching methods. You never asked us to practice like machines
to familiarize the question patterns and crack the exams instead you encouraged us and shown us how
to think logically and speak sense. You have completely revamped me. I owe you for my transformation
from a dump person to a person who earns a lot of respect now from my colleagues and Seniors.
“A Good Teacher is like a Candle – It consumes itself to light the way for others”
You are such a visionary that you train your students knowing the requirements of the Industry. You
were never interested in running a Bank Coaching Factory with any commercial interest of earning
profit. You always ensure to enroll limited number of students so that you can give them your best.
If I could clear IBPS exams and secure selection in IDBI Bank, State Bank of Travancore and United Bank
of India, with George Sir’s guidance then any one can.
Wish all the aspirants (not only Banking but any Competitive exams) my Best Wishes. CCC and Guidance
of George Sir is best I can suggest for you. I’m sure this will be a turning point in your life.
Sivikumar S
Assistant General Manager
IDBI Bank Ltd

We have spent one year in the centre. This one year has gone a long way in transforming us into a good learner. During this short span of time we could learn more things than what we could in the past 15 years of education. That makes us feel worthy of being a trainee. Training in the centre is meant for development of life skills. Towards this end our training shows us the intelligent way of doing the task. Our life took a different turn when we knew what was deeply important to us.
In the training centre, starting from acquiring primary learning skills we have been taught to update our skills so as to remain competitive and stay relevant in this ever changing banking industry.
Senior Manager
Canara Bank
Chief Manager
Central Bank of India

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
After the completion of my graduation, with a high level of determination in my mind and heart towards my passion to become a bank probationary officer, I set off from my home to Quilon where young minds were competing with each other for the same goal.
I have hardly spent 3 months in a bank coaching center where a large group of students were trained in a normal way to attend competitive exams. After realizing the fact that those usual tactics won’t help me pursue the heights I aim for, I quit the sessions and searched for someone to guide me with a vision and passion towards the life goal in my mind.
Finally, I could find a place where a short group of young brains, moving confidently towards their career aspirations under the training of Sri. F.V George Sir who is a former Civil Servant, passionate about training and grooming the young minds to become successful in their career goals. The training methodology followed in CCC (Center for Careers and Competitions) was unique by giving personal attention and guidance from a well experienced trainer like George Sir in all the subjects and concepts. The major attraction of the 8-9 months training period was to get a lot of inputs towards my personality development, writing skills, communication skills and especially to develop an interest in general awareness. All these skills helped me a lot to get through the competitive exams and interviews. Attending an interview with confidence was not at all a tough task for me after the training program. Being the part of a highly enthusiastic, energetic and vibrant team guided by Sri. F. V George Sir was the turning point in my life.
After entering the banking industry, I could use and improve the skills and abilities that I received from him for my further development and it has helped me a lot to withstand the tough situations in life too.
Even after 10 years of my service in the Indian Banking Industry and all my personal and professional developments which happened during the last decade, I can’t begin a day without thinking of the days I spent in CCC from where my life journey has got a quick start and the best version of myself has evolved.
I can confidently say that my evolution happened from that great visionary who has invested his life and time for training the young aspirants to become what they wish to become.
I am so grateful to my most admired mentor Sri. George Sir for helping and guiding me to extract the best version of myself and for giving me the wings to fly high in my life journey.
Arun C R
Senior Manager
Federal Bank

At some point in life we all go through a time that we lack direction.After completing graduation at the age of 20 I too was in such a dilemma.But I was in right place and in right hands-in our organisation with my mentor George Sir.He who has dedicated his life transforming lives of many.Proud to say that before the age of 21 I cracked my first competitive exam and came through the interview board of Federal Bank confidently.

This is not a place for you with fixed education system that limits your possibilities. Here you are to expand and stretch your limits and possibilities thereby redefining yourself. The system here streses more on improving mindspace, mind speed, analytical skill, reasoning capacity and logic sense. Hence you will come out with the ability to cut out the frills and follow the logical connection with clarity in every aspect of life. This outcome we name it as sharp intellect.

While I decided to choose banking as a career option, my mind decided it must start from Kollam. When I reached Kollam, the first name I hear was George sir. I proudly say that he laid the foundation of logical application to problem solving and CCC taught me how you behave like a professional banker. Thank you so much George sir and CCC for holding me and teaching me to be patient till I got the job.
Abhaydev Vaikom

Proudly introducing myself. I am Sindhu Pawaskar serving for Canara Bank at Mumbai. After much dilemmatic life situations thinking how to give preference to family and studies which completed at Calicut I was drawn to CCC after giving resignation at Central School. The atmosphere in class , though first seemed like Police training under George Sir, I felt a person like me, if we have a goal, needs such a teacher. It was a grace to study with my teacher. I saw the best Guru in him. Though it was a Bank Recruitment Coaching, it was an all-round development and perfection Coaching. Now, 25 years of service is over but I still am guided on the path he showed us. Meaning of sanctity and gratitude he taught are the most important which I made part of my life. Thank you so much dear sir for giving me best memories and guidance in my life. I still remember your “Sindhu Shet ….shall we call it a day ? ” Sir, I must not have reached the position you directed me to be but I reached the position in my life where I am to be. 🙏🙏 with much gratitude and gratitude only. Proudly concluding that I m a product of CCC, and my teacher George Sir.. 🙏🙏
Sindhu Pawaskar